Chemspeed Synthesis Accelerator

        Over 5,000 square feet of our laboratory facilities and state-of-the-art equipment are housed in the Life Sciences Building at Rutgers University, Busch Campus in Piscataway, New Jersey.  The Kohn Lab offers technical resources for the discovery and development of new biomaterials, processes and devices. The Lab is well equipped with instruments that enable exciting research focused on polymer design, synthesis, characterization and biomedical applications. The dominant themes are tissue engineering and drug delivery technologies.

Principal capabilities are

•    Polymer design, synthesis and kilogram scale-up,
•    Bulk polymer characterization
•    Surface analysis - chemical, physical, and topographical 
•    Fabrication and engineering prototyping
•    Understanding cell-material interactions
•    Understanding of the time based properties of polymers for
biological  applications

Affiliated technical facilities at partnering departments, centers, and
faculty laboratories extend the range of technical capabilities to fully
enable the multidisciplinary efforts necessary for biomaterials research.